PostgreSQL: Documentation: 16: 1   What Is PostgreSQL?

Maintaining dynamic database systems is critical in today’s digital landscape, especially considering the rate in which newer technologies emerge. PostgreSQL is expandable and versatile so it can quickly support a variety of specialized use cases with powerful extension ecosystem, which covers things from time-series data types to geospatial analytics. It was the default database for macOS Server[17][18][19][20] and is also available for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows. This is an introductory article for the PostgreSQL database management system. In this we will look into the features of PostgreSQL and why it stands out among other relational database management systems.

What is PostgreSQL

The goal of the POSTGRES project was to add the minimal features needed to support multiple data types. When multiple users access data at the same time, traditional database systems typically lock out access to records to avoid read/write conflicts. PostgreSQL manages concurrency efficiently through its use of MVCC (Multiversion Concurrency Control). In practice, this means that reads don’t block writes and writes don’t block reads.

PostGIS provides PostgreSQL with support for storing spatial geographic data, making PostgreSQL a spatial database capable of spatial data management, quantity measurement and geometric topology analysis. In terms of functionality, compared with MYSQL, PostGIS has the following advantages. The GSSAPI, SSPI, Kerberos, peer, ident and certificate methods can also use a specified “map” file that lists which users matched by that authentication system are allowed to connect as a specific database user. Rules allow the “query tree” of an incoming query to be rewritten. “Query Re-Write Rules” are attached to a table/class and “Re-Write” the incoming DML (select, insert, update, and/or delete) into one or more queries that either replace the original DML statement or execute in addition to it.

PostgreSQL is an open-source and free relational database management system that focuses on SQL compliance and extensibility. Riding on the back of 30+ years of active development, PostgreSQL is one of the most widely used open-source database tools across the globe. With PostgreSQL, you can even create an expression index, which works on the result of an expression or a function rather than just the value of a column. Partial indexing is also supported, wherein only a part of the table is indexed.

Learning Opportunities Ahead

Aggregate functions are called as window functions only when they follow the OVER clause; otherwise they act as regular aggregate functions. Windows are also a type of grouping, but are different from group by’s grouping. Windows, in addition to providing grouping, can also perform calculations on each window. MySQL does not support the OVER clause, while PostgreSQL does, and the OVER clause is a simple solution to the “take the top 5 of each group” problem.

  • PostgreSQL is expandable and versatile so it can quickly support a variety of specialized use cases with powerful extension ecosystem, which covers things from time-series data types to geospatial analytics.
  • The TEXT type of PostgreSQL can be accessed directly, and the SQL syntax has built-in regular expressions, indexing, full-text search, or xml xpath.
  • For a broader look at the state of databases today, see “A Brief Overview of the Database Landscape.”
  • Developers experience a number of benefits when using PostgreSQL in enterprise database deployments.
  • You can even go as far as to write your codes from different programming languages without recompiling your Database, and define your data types.

It is possible to extend data types to create custom data types, due to their object-oriented characteristics. This guarantees high flexibility for developers operating with complex data models that require database integration. Regarding databases, there are no shortage of options on the market. However, many people consider PostgreSQL and MySQL the two most popular relational database management systems available today. The architectural differences between the two databases have an effect on the core capabilities and features they offer.

Rich features and extensions

There are also many events and local user groups where you can connect with other PostgreSQL users. Getting started with using PostgreSQL has never been easier – pick a project you want to build, and let PostgreSQL safely and robustly store your data. The following section will talk about the recommended practices for your WordPress database.

Some featured companies are Apple, Fujitsu, Red Hat, Cisco, Juniper Network, Instagram, etc. In 1996, the POSTGRES project was renamed to PostgreSQL to clearly illustrate its support for SQL. This immediately prompts a common question, why does WordPress need a database after all?

The shared memory is reserved for transaction log caching and database caching. It further has elements like Shared Buffers, WAL Buffers, Work Memory, and Maintenance Work Memory. The highly active open source community has helped PostgreSQL garner attention the world over. It is filled with powerful built-in features and is highly extensible. MySQL has no storage type for time types such as time, date, interval, etc. at sub-second level, while PostgreSQL can be accurate to sub-second.

Check Out Our Video Guide to Understanding PostgreSQL

When you create your PostgreSQL database and tables, you can query the database using SQL. For example, we can select all students that are part of a course like this in SQL. Move legacy databases to PostgreSQL while consolidating license costs, retiring servers, and cleaning up database sprawl.

postgresql performance solutions

Compared with PostgreSQL, MySQL is more suitable to run under Windows environment. MySQL runs as a native Windows application (under NT/Win2000/WinXP, it is a service), while PostgreSQL runs under Cygwin emulation environment. PostgreSQL running under It should be conceivable that PostgreSQL does not run as stable as MySQL under Windows. PostgREST can easily provide a full RESTful API service for any PostgreSQL database. Jsonb and json look almost the same at a higher level, but are different in their store implementations.

What is PostgreSQL

MySQL has been maintained by Oracle ever since its inception in 1995. Oracle also offers elite versions of MySQL with proprietary plugins, supplementary services, extensions, and robust user support. To better understand MySQL, you need to have a better understanding of client-server models and relational databases. Simply put, your data is partitioned into various separate storage areas also known as tables, as opposed to unloading everything in a solitary big storage unit.

What is PostgreSQL

When used along with the PostGIS extension, PostgreSQL supports geographic objects and can be utilized as a geospatial data store for geographic information systems (GIS) and location-based services. Additionally, PostgreSQL supports synchronous replication, where two database instances can run at the same time and the master database is synchronized with a slave database simultaneously, further ensuring high availability. To fulfill this objective, it is fair to set the value of the shared buffer as 25% of the total memory if we have a dedicated server for PostgreSQL.

You can deploy MariaDB within minutes for analytical, transactional, or hybrid use cases to deliver unrivaled operational dexterity without surrendering key enterprise features. Do you need to build complex queries and relationships that need to be frequently updated and consistently maintained in the most cost-effective way possible? Not only is PostgreSQL free, but it is also Cross-Platform, and not just limited to the Windows operating system. If you want to analyze data, PostgreSQL provides a vast amount of regular expressions as a basis for analytical work. It’s free and open-source — this is by far the most significant benefit of PostgreSQL.

IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL is a fully managed database offering that takes the heavy lifting out of database management, letting developers get back to creating new, innovative products. With Databases for PostgreSQL, you don’t need to be an expert when configuring PostgreSQL for your enterprise. To learn more about open source database management, explore and starting working with Databases for PostgreSQL—a fully managed, scalable relational database.


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